The BHEX Team
Michael Johnson
Principal Investigator
Kari Haworth
Deputy Principal Investigator
Janice Houston
Project Systems Engineer
Dan Marrone
Instrument Scientist
Alex Lupsasca
Project Scientist
Peter Galison
Science Team Lead
John Mather
Science Advisor
Rebecca Baturin
Instrument Project Manager
Kimberly Knott
Instrument Systems Engineer
Sara Issaoun
Science Operations Lead
Kazu Akiyama
BHEX-Japan Lead
T. K. Sridharan
Antenna Lead
Jade Wang
Laser Communications Lead
Ed Tong
Receivers Lead
Paul Grimes
Cryogenics co-Lead
Hannah Rana
Cryogenics co-Lead
Ranjani Srinivasan
Data Processing Lead
Laura Sinclair
Frequency Reference Lead
Daniel Palumbo
Simulations Lead
Mareki Honma
BHEX-Japan Project Manager
The BHEX mission concept has been developed through a series of studies since 2019, with contributions from many additional scientists and engineers worldwide including:
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian and the Harvard Black Hole Initiative
Lindy Blackburn
Dominic Chang
Peter Cheimets
Koushik Chatterjee
Shep Doeleman
Mark Freeman
Mina Himwich
Jan Kansky
Prashant Kocherlakota
Vanessa Marquez
Gary Melnick
Ramesh Narayan
Iniyan Natarajan
Daniel Palumbo
Nimesh Patel
Dominic Pesce
Sasha Plavin
Angelo Ricarte
Elliot Richards
Freek Roelofs
Andy Strominger
Paul Tiede
David Wilner
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Edgar R. Canavan
Michael DiPirro
Tom Essinger-Hileman
Ronald Gamble
Demosthenes Kazanas
Mark Kimball
Peter Kurczynski
Robert Earl Lin Lafon
Scott Noble
Eric J Palmer
Eliad Peretz
Leonid Petrov
Mainak Singha
Guan Yang
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Bryan Bilyeu
Don Boroson
David Caplan
Jeff Mendenhall
Dan Murphy
Kat Riesing
Bryan Robinson
Curt Schieler
Katia Shtyrkova
Mark Silver
MIT Haystack Observatory
Michael Hecht
Jens Kauffmann
Lenny Paritsky
Thushara G.S. Pillai
Ganesh Rajagopalan
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Bill Shillue
TK Sridharan
Robert Lehmensiek
University of Arizona and Steward Observatory
Chi-Kwan Chan
Sam Gralla
Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Eric Burt
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Charles Gammie
Princeton University / IAS
Alejandro Cárdenas-Avendaño
Andrew Chael
Zachary Gelles
Eliot Quataert
George Wong
UC Santa Barbara
Joseph Farah
Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia (IAA-CSIC)
José L. Gómez
Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC
Leonid Gurvits
Boston University
Svetlana Jorstad
Alan Marscher
Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
Yuri Kovalev
Maciek Wielgus